The issues of slow block confirmations and high gas fees need to be solved before we target mass adoption by mainstream users. And most importantly, it needs awesome user experience.

We aim to change that by simplifying the interaction between users and the decentralized world. We want to make interacting with the decentralized ecosystem so easy that anyone can do so without worrying about the complexity of the system.

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UAE TRADEArchitecture

UAE TRADENetwork solves the above problems by building a decentralized platform using an adapted version of Plasma framework that provides a solution for faster and extremely low-cost transactions with finality on the main chain.

The system ensures liveliness using PoS checkpoints which are pushed to the Ethereum mainchain. This enables a single UAE TRADEsidechain to theoretically achieve 2 16 transactions per block, and possibly millions of transactions on multiple chains in the future.



Scalability is realized by using a decentralized Plasma operator mechanism with finality achieved on a main chain.

High Throughput

Can scale to millions of transactions on a sidechain tree architecture. Upto 65k transactions/second on a single UAE TRADEchain.

User Experience

Smooth UX abstraction from mainchain to UAE TRADEchain. Native mobile apps and SDK with WalletConnect support.


The UAE TRADEchain(s) operators are themselves Stakers and Delegates in a Proof-of-Stake system in the UAE TRADENetwork.

Asset Interoperability

Assets on different sidechains across various blockchains will be made inter-operable by UAE TRADENetwork in the near future.

One Stop DeFi Platform

Multiple protocols enabling extensive decentralized finance applications can be hosted on UAE TRADESidechains.

Toolkit for Developers

UAE TRADEhelps you to scale your DApps massively. You can even use your own tokens as settlement fees to run the Network. It provides SDKs and APIs for fast and easy development.

Integrate UAE TRADEon your DApps with a few simple steps, and give your users a smooth, fast and secure user experience. Settle payment on-chain whenever needed. Read Docs

How to Use UAE TRADE


Instantly Sendand receive Us
dollars around the world


use UAE TRADEto Pay for good and


Move instantly between dollars
and crypto


Enjoy the stability of the US dollar
by converting your cash to UAE TRADE


We’ll send you updates about UAE TRADENetwork

Want to build with UAE TRADE

For Developers building Dapps and looking for a scaling solution, do get in touch with us.
We can help you not only achieve scale but also provide the best UI/UX to your users.
